Russia 1981

Russia 1981 (22)

More photos from around Tamerlanovka on the Arys River...

Andy Panteli camel riding

Andy Panteli camel riding

Me - Camel riding

Me, camel riding
Camels are awkward to ride, rock all over the place and very smelly

Arys River at Tamerlanovka

Arys River at Tamerlanovka
There were loads of dead starlings on the banks of the river, apparently they'd all been shot

Arys River at Tamerlanovka

Steve and I messing around at Tamerlanovka

Steve and I messing around at Tamerlanovka

After a meal here there was an open-air concert, a mixture of traditional and pop music. The local girls invited us to dance. As you can see from the photos none of us had any rhythm...

Dancing at Tamerlanovka

Dancing at Tamerlanovka

Dancing at Tamerlanovka

Steve Webb dancing at Tamerlanovka

Dancing at Tamerlanovka

Dancing at Tamerlanovka

Neil dancing at Tamerlanovka

Dancing at Tamerlanovka

Me dancing at Tamerlanovka
John Travolta has nothing on me

Many of the women had gold or steel teeth which was a little disconcerting.

This page created 29th September 2011, last modified 29th September 2011

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