Russia 1981

Russia 1981 (4)

More photos from the Space Pavilion at the Exhibition of Achievements of the National Economy or BAHX-VDNKh

BAHX-VDNKh: Luna moon  lander

Luna - Soviet moon lander
Operational in the 1970s
Only the topmost, brown sphere returned to earth

BAHX-VDNKh: Luna moon  lander

BAHX-VDNKh: Apollo / Soyuz

Apollo / Soyuz [Union]
This historic docking took place on July 17th, 1975

BAHX-VDNKh: Salyut / Soyuz

Salyut [Salute or Fireworks] / Soyuz [Union]
Salyut was the first space station and was launched on April 19th, 1971

BAHX-VDNKh: Vostok Launcher

Vostok [East or Orient] Launcher
This family of rockets was used for everything from the launch of Sputnik in 1957, Yuri Gagarin in 1961
and the Luna landers. The rockets were retired in 1964

BAHX-VDNKh: Vostok Launcher

Some young Russian asked me if I had any jeans for sale while wandering around this huge museum. After a great time touring BAHX-VDNKh we went back to the Hotel Cosmos around 5:30pm for dinner. Dinner consisted of ham salad, lemonade, beef and potatoes, cake and coffee. Around 7pm, those who wanted to left of the Bolshoi ballet. I didn't go to that but instead went around some of the Metro stations. The stations are works of art in their own right and getting around is cheap. Five kopeks (around 3 1/2p) gets you anywhere on the Metro. Andy and Neil were very tired so we all went to our rooms around 9:30pm. It was much too early for me so I sat up and read for a while.

Hotel Cosmos

Hotel Cosmos

Tuesday, 28th July 1981

Up early again today. Breakfast was cheese, bread, pancakes, cherries and coffee. Then onto the coaches for the 90km (55 mile) drive along M10 northwest to Klin. In English Klin means Wedge. On the way we passed the Shtyki [Bayonets] Memorial to those defending Moscow during World War II at Zelenograd. Zelenograd is around 46km northwest of Moscow.

Shtyki [Bayonets] Memorial

Shtyki [Bayonets] Memorial
This is the resting place of hundreds of Russian soldiers who died defending Moscow in 1941

M10, the road to Klin

M10, the road to Klin
Like many Russian roads it is very straight and very badly maintained. People seem to love overtaking, even on blind corners.

Misha - 1980 Olympic mascot

When we got to Klin we stopped at a canteen and saw this image of Misha the soviet 1980 Olympic mascot

This page created 20th September 2011, last modified 27th September 2011

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