Although breweries in Bristol have been mentioned on some of my other pages, this page was started because of an email I received from M. Wilkes in February 2011. They wrote...
I've been researching my family tree and hope that someone can answer a question for me. My 2x Great Uncle moved to Bristol from Frome in the 1870's. He spent his working life as a Brewery Clerk, most likely for the same company. His homes were Raglan Road, Wolseley Road (1881-1892) then Longfield Road until his death in 1940. Does anyone know which Brewery would be the most likely one for him to be working at, given his living area?
My reply was...
Longfield, Raglan and Wolseley Roads are in the Bishopston area of Bristol, so presumably he would have worked in that area. The closest breweries in that area were J. & T. Usher in Horfield Road and R. W. Miller & Co. Pale Ale Brewery of 48 Stokes Croft. Of those the more likely would be Ushers.
Usher's were in existence since at least 1856 in Horfield Road and had another premises at the New City Brewery in River Street. They were registered in March 1889 and merged with and Bristol United Breweries Ltd. in 1897 but closed in 1898.
R. W. Miller & Co. Pale Ale Brewery of 48 Stokes Croft, were registered in December 1893. They were acquired by Bristol Brewery Georges & Co. Ltd. in 1911 along with 48 public houses.
Brewing may not be the oldest profession but it can't be far behind. Beer is the oldest recorded recipe in the world. The ancient Egyptians first documented the brewing process on papyrus scrolls around 5,000 B.C. but brewing had been known since at least 8,000B.C. in the middle east. These first beers were brewed with things like dates, pomegranates, and other indigenous herbs and tasted quite different from today's brews. Brewing was known in the UK from at least 4,500 B.C.
Where I have stumbled across references to distillers in Bristol those are also included in these pages.
Some Laws Concerning Early Brewers
Over the years Bristol has had a quite a few breweries. Not much is known, that I've been able to find, about very ealy brewers but there were enough, some doing things that they shouldn't, that as early as 1344 ordinances were being passed to try and bring the worst offenders to heel. In 1344, William de Coleford, the Recorder of Bristol, started the Little Red Book which contains the Ordinances or Rules of the Guilds. The later Great Red Book, which was started in 1373, contains records of all land and buildings in the town. When the Little Red Book became full the Ordinances were written in odd spaces in the Great Red Book. Both books get their names from the red deerskin in which they were bound.This appeared in the Little Red Book of Bristol:
Ordinatum est et concordatum quod braciatores qui vandunt cerisiam contra assisam amerciantur secundum quantitatem delicti.
It is ordained and agreed that brewers who sell ale contrary to the assize be fined in proportion to their offence.
This was also in the Red Books: They were forbidden to buy grain before the market bell was rung. The water used in brewing had to be drawn from some other place than the public supply. At the sounding of curfew the taverns had to close their doors. All beer on the premises had to be open to official inspection. If the beer was not up to standard then the brewer would forfeit it. Standard measures had to be used, and anyone could call upon witnesses if they thought they were given short measure, in fact every tavern had to provide a flat level area on which measures could be placed.
One thing that some were doing was taking old ale and mixing it with new, so this appeaed in the ordinances of 1505:
where it hathe byn complayned that the bruers of this towne have used herebefore to take whome agayne to their house from their customers beyin tapsers within this towne all suche ale as hathe founde fuystie dede and unhable to be dronken within iij dys after the cleansing of the same. Whiche unholsom ale the same bruers of crafte and subtilitie have use to putt among the ale at the nexte bruyng. And so do utter the same unto the kinges people within this towne, wherbie it is lykely that som perons herebefore have oftentymes taken infeccion an disease. It is therefore encated this present day that it shall not be lefull to any suche bruer to take whome agayne into their houses from the house of their customers any suche refuced ale, but the same so found fawtie be furthwith caste into the strete before the dore of the same customer or tapster by the Sargeant of the warde whereof suche defalte is founde.
And if any of them do contrary and the defalte dulie provided before the Mayor, the bruer so doyng contrary to this Acte shall forfett at every defalte xx s. and the tapster xl d. half to the Shrffe an half to the Chambre. And also that no bruer do put hopps amongt the ale that they shall brue herafter any tyme in the yere but oonly in the monethes of Juyn July and August upon payne to forfett at every defalte xl s. half to the Chambre and half to the Shriffes.
The Ordinances of Bristol 1506 - 1598, (1990) edited by Maureen Stanford, general editors Joseph Bettey and Elizabeth Ralph, Bristol Record Society, Vol. XLI. Page 4.
I do not know why they should not be brewing beer with hops except during June, July and August. Perhaps this is the usual harvesting time for them?
The strength and quality of some beers being brewed was also worrying the city elders and another 1505 ordinance says that:
It is considered that forasmuche that the ale is not sufficient and strong according to the Statute and after the price of malte whiche they have byn oftentymes commanunden to the Mayor to amende, whereof they take no regarde, that therfore the bruers be eftsones warned to amende their assise upn payne to forfait at the first defalte xx s. and at the seconde tyme xl s.
The Ordinances of Bristol 1506 - 1598, (1990) edited by Maureen Stanford, general editors Joseph Bettey and Elizabeth Ralph, Bristol Record Society, Vol. XLI. Page 5.
From the above it appears that the brewers had been complaining about the price of malt which helps control the amount of alcohol in the beer and even when it was reduced, were not making beer of any strength.
Hops are used in beer, when added near the beginning of the brewing they give a beer bitterness, when added towards the end they add aroma. Fo some reason it became illegel to add them after Michaelmas (usually 29th September) 1517:
It is ordained by the whole house that no comon bruer of this towne after the feest of Saynt mighell thatchangell nexte commyng put any hopps into suche ale as the yshall brue for this town ipon payne that every bruer doyng contrary shall forfett at every defalte xl s. to be devided oon half therof to the Chambre and the other half to the Shriff for the tyme beyng. And Mr. Drewes and Mr. Ellyott shall have the oversight of the bruers this yere and so yerely twoo newe overseers to be chosen.
Perhaps to stop cheap, overly weak beer being made. In 1519, it became illegal to brew beer costing under one penny per gallon being made. A double beer was a beer higher in strength than ordinary beer. An "ale conner" - a beer inspector - was created and even the times when beer could be transported were also addressed.
It is ordained that none of the common ale bruers of this towne do fromhensfurthe presume to brue any bere or any doble ale or any ale of j d. ob. the gallon to be sold within this towne upon payne of xl d.
Forasmuche that from hensfurthe an ale conner by ordeyned and appooynted by the Mayor and his betherne the Aldermen, which aleconner every shifting daye in the yere shall boldely goo into the houses of the said common bruers before the shiftingof every of their ale. And there shall taste the same and, if he fynde it good and holsom for mans body, so to commende it. and if he fynd it contrary and unlawfull for the kinges people, then he to commaunde the same bruer not to make any sale or utterance thereof unto the kinges subjettes. And that every common bruer do obey the said ale conner in executing of his office and to make no reistance lett nor ympedyment against hym upon payne of vj s. viii d.
It is commaunded and ordeyned that none of the comon bruers do shifte any of their ale in the wynter tyme betwixte Alhallow tide and Candelmas before the houre of v in the mornyng, and in the somer tyme betwyne Candelmas an Alhallou tide before the houre of iiij in the morning upon payne of xx s.
The Ordinances of Bristol 1506 - 1598, (1990) edited by Maureen Stanford, general editors Joseph Bettey and Elizabeth Ralph, Bristol Record Society, Vol. XLI. Page 13 - 14.
In 1522, the brewing and selling of double beer, a stronger beer than usual, was made illegal:
It is ordeyned that no comon bruer of this towne shall brue any doble ale or bere to thenent to retayle and sell the same agayne to any person within this towne or without upon payne to forfett at the first defalte xl s. and at the seconde defalte ympersoment and there to remaine until the said xl s. be well and trulie paid.
The Ordinances of Bristol 1506 - 1598, (1990) edited by Maureen Stanford, general editors Joseph Bettey and Elizabeth Ralph, Bristol Record Society, Vol. XLI. Page 14.
The quality and price of beer continued to be an issue as in 1555 the following ordinance was issued:
It is condiscended and agreed by the said wurshipfull masters (foasmoche as he ale bruers called the comen bruers do not brue holsome ad sufficient ale) that the said comen bruers shall from hensforth brue no ale but according to the oder herefater proscribed. That is to saye, the best sort for ij d. the gollone, the second sort at j d. the gallon and the thridd at ob. the gallon an the same to be holsome and sufficient drinke accoding to the rate and price of malte. And if any of the said bruers be founde and approved to do the contrary, that then the said person so offending to be disfraunchesed and discomened for everymore, except he pay xl li. to the Chamber of Bristowe for his admissions to the liberties agayne. And also the the berebruers do brue no beare above ij d. the gallon uppon the like paynes. And that the Mayor for the tyme being shall not dispence with any suche bruer or bruers so offending without the consent and asssent of the hole howse or the moost parte of them uppon payne of forfette for every suche defaulte xxti pounts to be levied to the use of the said Chamber.
The Ordinances of Bristol 1506 - 1598, (1990) edited by Maureen Stanford, general editors Joseph Bettey and Elizabeth Ralph, Bristol Record Society, Vol. XLI. Page 24.
I am not quite sure was a crockebruer was, but it may be someone who was brewing beer illicitly. In 1560, an ordinance was produced that said:
Every Aldreman shall by all his endeavour and diligence put downe all the Crockebruers within his warde.
The Ordinances of Bristol 1506 - 1598, (1990) edited by Maureen Stanford, general editors Joseph Bettey and Elizabeth Ralph, Bristol Record Society, Vol. XLI. Page 30.
It seems that strong beer had too intoxicating effect on Bristolians as in 1575 another ordinance said that:
Yt is further ordred, concluded and agreed for the avoiding of divers and manifold hurtes and inconveniances that hath heretofore growen with in this cytie by reason of brewing and selling of strong ale and bere with in this cytie and the subburbes thereof, that from hensfourth none of the common brewers of bere and ale within this cytie or liberties thereof nor any other person or persons whatsoever shall brewe any bere or ale above ij d. the gallon (excepte other order and rates be sett by Mr. Mayor and the Aldermen of this cytie) uppon payne that every person so offending for the first tyme shall forfaite xl s. and for the second tyme shall suffer imprisonament of their bodyes by the space of tenne daies by the discrecion of Mr. Mayor and the Aldermen and for the thirde tyme offending to be discommonyd, any former ordynaunces heretofore made to the
contrary shalbe from hensfourth repealed and of none effecte.
The Ordinances of Bristol 1506 - 1598, (1990) edited by Maureen Stanford, general editors Joseph Bettey and Elizabeth Ralph, Bristol Record Society, Vol. XLI. Page 57.
Things didn't improve and so in 1581, another ordinance was passed:
Whereas much evill rule and disorder hath ben heretofore maynteyned and used within this citie and the liberties thereof in the howses of diverse persons which doe brewe and sell ale called crock brewed ale who, not regarding the Quenes Majesties lawes and statutes made for the abolishing of such abuses and disorders, have wilfullie presumed to sell and utter the same in their howses and to mayneteyne tipling not being licenes thereunto and doe yet percever therein, whereby divers lewde and idle persons have used and hawnted the said howses, consumyng their tyme there in excessive drinkinge, gamynge and other like disorders to the displeasure of Almightie God and their owne utter impoverishment not mete to be suffred. Yt is therefore ordred and decreed by the right worshipful Mr. Phillippe Langley, Maior, the Aldermen and Common Counsell of the same for reformation of the premisses that no person or persons whatsoever shall at any tyme after the xijth dayc of this present moneth of Octobre nowe next commyng brew, utter or sell any ale called crockbrewed ale within this citie or liberries rhereof, uppon payne to forfaite for every tyme doing contrary to this ordynaunce xx s. And that the comon brewers of this citie shalbe fourthwith licensed by the said Maior and Aldermen to brewe good and sufficient ale for thuse of the citizens of the said citie. of the best sorte after the rate of iij s. iiij d. the dosen until the feast of thanunciacion of our Ladye the Virgin Marie next commyng. And all other ale shalbe brewed and solde by the comon brewers at the prices heretofore accustomed which best sort of ale the said common brewers shall not utter or sell above the rate of iij s. iiij d. the dosen as aforesaid uppon payne to forfaite for everie offence contrary to this order xl s.
And it is further ordred and decreed by the said Maior, Aldermen and Comon Counsell that noe taverner, inholder or tipler within this citie or liberties thereof shall suffer any person or persons at any tyme hereafter to spende and consume their tyme in drinking, breake fastinge, gamyng or other wise in their howses or indes uppon any Sondaie or feastifall daies at the tyme of Devyne Shervice or sermon tyme, but that the said inholders, taverners and tiplers during the tyme above said shall kepe fast their dores and suffer noe person to enter in for that purpose uppon payne that everie such taverner, inholder or tipler shall forfaite and paie for every tyme doing contrary to this order iij s. iiij d. And everie person so found consumyng their tyme as aforesaid shall forfaite and paie xij d. to thuse of the poore people. Provided that this ordynaunce shall not be prejudiciall or hurtfull concerning any estraunger which hereafter shall breake his fast in his inde at the tyme aforesaid being bound in his jorney. And if any person offending in any of the premisses shall refuse to paie his said fyne or forfaiture according to this ordynaunce, then yt shalbe lawfull to the Maior for the tyme beinge to commytt every such person so refusing to the prison of Newgate, there to remayne untill
such tyme as he shall satisfie the same fyne or forfaiture to the Chamberleyne of the said citie for the tyme beinge.
The Ordinances of Bristol 1506 - 1598, (1990) edited by Maureen Stanford, general editors Joseph Bettey and Elizabeth Ralph, Bristol Record Society, Vol. XLI. Pages 72-73.
Two years later in 1583, another ordinance was passed to curb the opening times of taverns and other drinking places:
The Mayor, Aldermen and Common Counsell whose names are subscribed, considering the greate abuses and enorityes that have heretofore growen and are like daylie to insue within this citye throughe the disorderlie usage of taverners and vynteners in sufferinge dyvers lewde, idle and evell disposed persons to spende and consume their tymes and substaunce in drinkinge, playinge and other unlawfull exercises within their howses at unseasonable howers, to the manifeste disturbaunce of her Majesties peace and contempte of all good orders and civill government, have therefore ordeyned, established and enacted with their whole assentes and consentes that from hensfourthe noe taverner or vyntener whatsoever inhabitinge within this citie of Bristoll or liberties thereof doe suffer any suche person or persons to spende his or their tyme in drynkinge or any other unlawfull exercises within their or any of their howses after the Bowe bell ceassed ringinge nyne of the clocke at night at St. Nicholas Churche bytwene the feastes of St. Michaell Tharchaungell and Thannuncyacion of our Ladye St. Marye the Virgine in the wynter season. nor after the hower of tenne ofthe clocke at nighte stroken by the clocke at St. Nicholas Churche bytwene the feastes of Thannunciacion of our Ladye and St. Michaell Tharchangell in the somer season, upon payne that every taverner and vyntener that shall be duelye approved to offende in the premisses or doe to the contrarye of this presente ordynaunce shall forefeyte for everye suche offence tenne shillinges, to be devyded in manner and form following (that ys to saye) eighte shillinges thereof to be payde to the Mayor of this citye for the tyme beinge towardes the mayntenaunce of the Howse of Correction within this citye and thother two shillinges to be geven to the partye that shall present the same offence upon his othe before the Mayor and Aldermen. And that everye vyntener and taverner within this citye shall keepe their doores shutte after the hower and tymes affore lymitted ( excepte urgent occasion requier to oppen the same) upon payne of like forfeyture to be devyded as aforesaid.
The Ordinances of Bristol 1506 - 1598, (1990) edited by Maureen Stanford, general editors Joseph Bettey and Elizabeth Ralph, Bristol Record Society, Vol. XLI. Page 79.
If you've read these extracts you may have noticed a change in them. Before 1560 the ordinances mostly deal with the quality and price of the beer, but afterwards they try and deal with drunkeness, gambling and idleness.
Before we leave "The Ordinances of Bristol 1506 - 1598" an entry from 1515 (page 8):
it is agreed that from hensforthe the Shriffes of Bristowe shall kepe but oone drynking the Cristmas weke whiche shalbe kepte on Newyeres daye.
Perhaps the office party of 1514 got a bit out of hand?
Early Brewers
The Calendar of the Bristol Apprentice Book 1532 - 1565, page 145 lists the peeople licensed to sell beer and ale in Redcliffe and St. Mary Port wards. These are:
Redcliffe |
Saint Mary Port |
John Reve
George Walker
Christofer Apowell
William Grene
Richard Mershall
John Catborne
Thomas Endgell
John Morys
Christofer Bonde
John Naillor
John Vaughan |
William Goldsmythe
William Merick
Peter Lepyat
John Fawkener
Ralfe Blackborne
Morgan Davy
William Dauncer
Henry Lobbington
Henry Wyorshow
John Hook Weyvar
Thomas Pryvie alias Fox |
In 1574, a brewer, Thomas Baldwyn, was named in the city ordinances but not in a good way. At some time Baldwyn had lost "the freedome and liberties of this cytie", he regained them, but then lost them again. Unfortunately it is not recorded what his crime was.
That where heretofore Thomas Baldwyn, bruer, was for his disorder dismyssed from the freedome and liberties of this cytie, and yet notwithstanding for certen respectes and upon hope of his well using himself, was permytted and suffered to enyoie the benyfitt of his freedome againe. Sythens which tyme he, the said Thomas Baldwyn, not considering the dutie of a burgesse or freeman, nor the great favor of him showed as ys afore rehercyd, hath againe comytted the like mysorderes as he before did and hath refucid to observe the good orders and ordynaunces of this cytie. That therefore the said Thomas Baldwyn shalbe from hensfourth discomonyd and be noe lenger a burgesse of this cytie.
The Ordinances of Bristol 1506 - 1598, (1990) edited by Maureen Stanford, general editors Joseph Bettey and Elizabeth Ralph, Bristol Record Society, Vol. XLI. Page 57.
A little bit of trivia from Maurice Fell's "A-Z of Curious Bristol" - In the seventeenth century beer was available to prisoners and their visitors at Newgate Prison in Broadmead. People could drink as much as they could pay for but prisoners who got drunk were fined £2.
The illustrious Yeamans family were one of the city's earliest documented brewers. John Yeamans owned Bristol's largest brewery in 1640. It was much later sold to the Saunders family, who ran it for a hundred years. It eventually became the Georges' and then the Courage Brewery.
There were dozens of breweries in the city at the time. One of them was near Bristol Bridge and in 1701 this one was owned by the Mayor, Sir John Hawkins. In 1702 Hawkins produced a celebration beer in honor of the visit of Queen Anne to the city. In 1730, the brewery was bought by wealthy slave merchant Isaac Hobhouse whose sons, John and Henry, created the Porter Brewery.
The Porter Brewery was in turn sold to Philip George in 1788. He along with six other Bristol merchants bought a malthouse in Tucker Street and set up as The Philip George Bristol Brewery.
An advertisement in a 1794 edition of Felix Farley's Journal says:
P. George, Bristol Porter and Beer Company will deliver in barrels and half barrels their Porter to all towns and villages within five miles of the City and is sold at Fourpence per Quart.
With so many breweries in Bristol alone competition was fierce and the company sent representatives to Ireland to sell the porter and 60,000 barrels a year were eventually sold there. By the beginning of the 19th century George's brewery was acquiring other small brewery businesses and a brewery war began: it was of course won by George's, who in 1878 bought 70 licensed houses as well.
In 1861, 32 breweries were producing 4,103 barrels of beer. In 1880, the number of breweries was down to 21 but they were producing 14,501 barrels.
In 1878, George's went public and within five years their shares had brought in nearly six and a half million pounds, enough to wipe out many of their smaller competitors. By 1900, there was only one big local rival left, Bristol United Breweries. Between them they had a near monopoly. In 1950, Bristol United Brewery owned 11 city centre pubs whilst Bristol Brewery George & Co. owned 37. The two companies merged in 1952.
In 1961, the firm amalgamated with Courage's, who in 1972 were taken over by Imperial. They in turn were taken over by the Hanson Trust, who sold Courage's in 1986 to the Elders IXL group. The brewery was closed in 2000 and demolition and redevelopment started soon after.
The Breweries
There is a definite lineage between a lot of these breweries. This is a quote from the AIM25 records page for Bristol Brewery:
The Old Porter Brewery, Bath Street, Bristol, was built in 1730 by Isaac Hobhouse and later sold to James Grimes. In 1788 it was bought by Philip George and became Philip George and the Bristol Porter Brewery. In 1816 it became Georges, Rickettses and Company, and by 1888 it was known as Georges and Company. The business was incorporated in 1888 as Bristol Brewery Georges and Company Limited.
Took over Bedminster Brewery 1889; Walton Brewery Co. Ltd. (date not known); R.W. Millet and Co. Ltd., Bristol, 1911; W. Hall and Sons, Lodway Brewery, Pill, 1912; Edgar Thatcher and Co., Heath Brewery, Nailsea, 1917; John Arnold and Sons, High Street, Wickwar, 1917; Bath Brewery Ltd., Westgate Street, Bath, 1923; Geo. Biggs and Sons, Crown Brewery, New Orchard Street, Bath, 1924; Ashton Gate Brewery Co. Ltd., Bedminster, 1931.
The company merged with Bristol United Breweries in 1956 and was taken over by Courage, Barclay and Simonds in 1961.
This has led to some duplication of the entries for the various breweries here but I thought it better to duplicate them rather than give incomplete information.
Samuel Allsopp & Sons
In the Kelly's directory of 1883 were listed at 26, Bath Street
Sir John Arnott & Co.
In the Kelly's directory of 1883 were listed at 6, Prince Street
Ashton Gate Brewery, Bedminster
The company was registered in 1865 to acquire the business of the late Thomas Baynton. The name changed to Hardwick & Co. Ltd. in 1868 but reverted back to the original title in 1883. In 1911, the defunct Bonds Bristol Brewery, Redcross Brewery in Lawford Street, was bought by the Ashton Gate Brewery. At its height, the brewery was producing six beers and owned approximately 150 pubs. The brewery was bought by Bristol Brewery Georges & Co. Ltd. in 1931 and was closed in 1933. A local architect, George Ferguson, bought the premises in 2003, with the idea of putting the building back to its original purpose and since 2005 has been the home of The Bristol Beer Factory.
Ashton Gate Brewery in 1904
Image from Bristol Beer Factory (Internet Archive)
Ratcliff Bass & Lim. Gretton
In the Kelly's directory of 1883 were listed at 6, 7 & 8 Quay Head
Thomas Baynton
Bought by Ashton Gate Brewery in 1865.
Bedminster Bridge Brewery
A trade card of 1807 gives Grace & Mann as the owners of Bedminster Bridge Brewery. James & Pierce were given as the owners in 1856 directories and Kelly's Directory of 1883.
Bell (Bristol) Brewery Co Ltd, Bell Inn, 1 Gloucester Lane.
This small brewery was registered in May 1908 to acquire the brewery carried on by W. H. Winstone. They went into voluntary liquidation on May 1, 1923.
Bishop and Butt Ltd.
In the Kelly's directory of 1883 were listed at Redcliffe Mead Brewery. One of the breweries that were amalgamated in 1888 to form Bristol United Breweries.
Bonds Bristol Brewery, Redcross Brewery, Lawford Street
Was listed in the Kelly's directory of 1883. The brewery was registered October 1890. Closed in 1904, it was bought by Ashton Gate Brewery Co. Ltd. in 1911.
Bowley and Bristow
In the Kelly's directory of 1883 were listed at St. Paul's Brewery, Victoria and Bishop Streets. One of the breweries that were amalgamated in 1888 to form Bristol United Breweries.
Bristol Porter Brewery, Bath Street
The Old Porter Brewery, Bath Street, Bristol, was built in 1730 by Isaac Hobhouse and later sold to James Grimes. In 1788 it was bought by Philip George and became Philip George and the Bristol Porter Brewery. In 1816 it became Georges, Rickettses and Company, and by 1888 it was known as Georges and Company. The business was incorporated in 1888 as Bristol Brewery Georges and Company Limited.
The company took over Bedminster Brewery 1889; Walton Brewery Co. Ltd. (date not known); R.W. Millet and Co. Ltd., Bristol, 1911; W. Hall and Sons, Lodway Brewery, Pill, 1912; Edgar Thatcher and Co., Heath Brewery, Nailsea, 1917; John Arnold and Sons, High Street, Wickwar, 1917; Bath Brewery Ltd., Westgate Street, Bath, 1923; Geo. Biggs and Sons, Crown Brewery, New Orchard Street, Bath, 1924; Ashton Gate Brewery Co. Ltd., Bedminster, 1931.
The company merged with Bristol United Breweries in 1956 and was taken over by Courage, Barclay and Simonds in 1961.
Bristol United Breweries Limited, Lewins Mead
Bristol United Breweries was formed in 1888 from the amalgamation of Bowley and Bristow, St. Paul's Brewery, Bishop and Butt Ltd., Redcliffe Mead Brewery, J. H. Lockley and Sons, Lewins Mead Brewery, M. Reynolds & Company and the Imperial Brewery of Bedminster. The company was incorporated on 24th July 1889. Around 1890 a new malting building was built for them in Gas Ferry Road by George Morgan Gosling & Richard Robert Wilkins, trading as "Wilkins & Gosling".
The brewery took over Daniel Sykes and Co. Ltd., Redcliffe Brewery, Redcliffe Street, which was established in 1753, in 1897; the Oakhill Brewery, Ashwick, in 1925; and the Charlton Brewery, Shepton Mallet, in 1937.
Bristol United Breweries Limited merged with Bristol Brewery Georges in 1956 along with 600 tied houses. Georges' was taken over by Courage, Barclay and Simonds in 1961. Bristol United Breweries went into voluntary liquidation in 1962. The premises were used as a sugar factory until 1966.
Carter & Brown
An early 19th century trade card gives them as the owners of Royal York Cresent Brewery, Clifton.
Castle & Ball Brewery Ltd, Lower Castle Street
This small brewery was registered in 1902. It was offered for auction in 1920, and was closed in 1921.
Colman & Reynolds
In the Kelly's directory of 1883 were listed at the Imperial Brewery at North Street, Bedminster
Fry, Ball & Co.
In 1807, were the owners of the Porter and Strong Beer Brewery. See Porter and Strong Beer Brewery
Charles Garton Brewery, Easton Road, Lawrence Hill
An early 19th century trade card shows a brewery at Lawence Hill being owned by Walter Williams which was built in 1824. This is the same brewery that was bought by Charles Garton 1849. The brewery had its own supply of pure spring water from the Mendips. In the Kelly's directory of 1883 were listed at the Lawrence Hill address and 1, Baldwin Street. The brewery was acquired by the Anglo-Bavarian Brewery Co. Ltd. of Shepton Mallet in 1898. Anglo-Bavarian was formed in 1864 and closed in 1920. Garton's used a double drop fermentation system (see Zythophile) but instead of dropping the beer from the large initial fermentation tuns into pontos to continue the fermentation in the same room the beer was dropped into a lower fermenting or cleansing room.
Garton Brewery in the 1880s
Georges & Co. Ltd., Bristol Brewery, Bath Street
Bristol Brewery George's & Co Ltd was founded in 1788 when Philip George, the eldest son of William George, a distiller in Baldwin Street, and his partners bought two brewing premises, in Bath Street (on the opposite side of the river from Castle Park and later the home of Courages') and Tucker Street, St.Thomas's. The Tucker Street brewery was owned by James Grimes who had bought the premises from John Willes, his wife Frances and their son John Freke Willes 11 years earlier, on 13 October 1777. Philip bought it on 3rd January 1788, for £2,400.
The Bath Street brewery, which ceased brewing in 1999 (as Courages'), was known as "Rickett's Porter Brewery" as one of the partners was Jacob Wilcox Ricketts, while Tucker Street became the "Philip George and the Bristol Porter Brewery" and later the "Philip George Bristol Brewery." On 3rd November 1788, Mr. Arthur Tozer was appointed manager and conductor of the business with a salary of £150 and allowance of house rent, coal, candle and beer. On the 18th March 1789, Philip George reported that 80 barrels of porter were shipped to Cork and the same to Waterford in Ireland.
The two breweries were amalgamated in 1816. In 1861 George's entered into a partnership with Philip Henry Vaughan, who was made Chairman of the Bristol Brewery Georges Co., Ltd., which was finally registered in February 1888. The company entered a phase of takeovers; in 1889, the business of James and Pierce, the Bedminster Brewery was acquired; in 1911 that of R. W. Miller Co., The Stokes Croft Brewery; in 1912, the Lodway Brewery of Messrs. Hall Sons, at Pill; in 1918, the Brewery of John Arnold Sons, Wickwar; in 1919, The Welton (Somerset) Breweries, Ltd.; in 1923, the Bath Brewery, Co., Ltd.; in 1926, Slades Brewery, Chippenham; and finally, The Ashton Gate Brewery Co., Ltd., Bristol, in 1932.
In 1919, the George's purchased the extensive premises originally known as the Talbot Hotel at the corner of Victoria Street and Bath Street. Finzel's Sugar Refinery was next to the brewery and that land was purchased and the brewery enlarged.
George's was acquired by Courage, Barclay & Co. Ltd. in 1961 along with 1,459 tied houses. Courages' closed in 1999 and the site is being redeveloped.
Gibbings Brothers
In the Kelly's directory of 1883 were listed at the St. Michaels' Hill Brewery.
Robert Heal Goodenough, 34 Paul Street, Kingsdown
The brewery was taken over by Fussell & Sons Ltd. of Rode, Somerset in December 1929 with one licensed house.
Grace & Mann
A trade card of 1807 gives them as the owners of Bedminster Bridge Brewery.
Grace & Mann 1807 trade card showing their Bedminster Bridge Brewery
Image from Bristol Trade Cards by John Winstone, Reece Winstone Publishing, 1993
James Grimes
Bought premises in Tucker Street from John Willes, his wife Frances and their son John Freke Willes on 13 October 1777, and started a brewery. This was bought by Georges' in 1788. The brewery was amalgamated with Rickett's Porter Brewery in 1816.

Indenture of sale of the premises from the Willeses to James Grimes
Image from Bristol Past - which has a translation of this document
G. G. Gullick
In the Kelly's directory of 1883 was listed at a brewery in Newfoundland Street.
Hardwick & Co. Ltd.
After Thomas Baynton's brewery was bought by the Ashton Gate Brewery in 1865 the name was changed to Hardwick & Co. Ltd. in 1868 but reverted back to Ashton Gate Brewery in 1883.
Harvey & Co.
In the Kelly's directory of 1883 was listed at a brewery at 48, Stokes Croft.
Imperial Brewery, North Street, Bedminster
Listed in the Kelly's Directory of 1883 as being owned by Colman & Reynolds. One of the breweries that were amalgamated in 1888 to form Bristol United Breweries.
Breweries - Page 2
This page created March 5, 2011, last modified January 10, 2023