Site Utilities

Site Utilities


These pages are to provide some information this website and to explain some of the steps taken to improve the look and usability of it; the user experience (UX) and user interface (UI).

Other pages in this section

Site Map - a list of all the pages on the site with descriptions
Contact Me - how to contact me
About - about this site and the credits for it
Accessibility - Accessibility of this site and how to improve it
Latest Updates - The latest updates to this site
Breadcrumbs - JavaScript breadcrumb navigation. Another type of menu
Images - How the images for the site were produced
Link Back - Links to sites that carry my URL
Links - Useful links to other sites
Menu - How the site menu was produced
Pagination - Another type of menu
Search Engines - Search Engine rankings
Site Statistics
Web Rings - Web Rings that this site belongs to